Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dress Dilemma

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:53 PM
Uncle Marc and Aunt Jen invited Brianne to be the flower girl in their wedding. We were so honored when they asked us, but when the day finally arrived for the wedding, we were more nervous. This is because Brianne refused to be in the same room as her flower girl dress. She would literally run screaming if she saw us with it. We started to try to put it on her a couple weeks before the wedding, so when she screamed the first time, we weren't too concerned. But every day we tried and failed, we grew more nervous. We had everyone try - myself, Grandma Mimi, Aunt Joan - no one could get it on her.

Finally, the day of the wedding rolled around. Before I changed Brianne out of her pajamas that morning, I thought I would give it one more shot. Brianne is currently obsessed with stickers, so I took some Dora the Explorer stickers and stuck them up inside the dress. To get the stickers, Brianne would have to stick her arms and head up into the dress. As soon as she saw the stickers, she went right for them and I was able to pull the dress on her. Sure, it was over her pajamas, but at least she had it on.

This is one of my greatest motherhood triumphs to date - Brianne in her dress!

I left the dress on her for about 30 minutes. She watched cartoons, played with her toys, all in her dress.

Practicing good posture prior to the wedding.


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