Sunday, May 29, 2011

Put Your Body on the Potty

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:53 PM
Brianne is getting more and more interested in the potty. So I bought her two kinds of potties - a stand alone potty and a seat that goes on the big potty. Brianne treats the little potty like a toy and enjoys putting other toys inside it (she never actually used the little potty, so it's very clean). Aunt Joan has been sitting Brianne on a potty seat every day, so we have had more luck with that. Brianne will actually sit on the potty seat, and read two or three books while she's there, but she has yet to go potty for us. However, Joan swears she did pee pee on the potty one time at her house. We will keep at it, and hopefully will be able to get rid of diapers soon!

Checking out the little potty.

She gets the general idea of the potty - sitting on it, putting toilet paper inside and flushing. When she flushes, she even says "bye bye pee pee".

What do you do with this?

I'm sure she'll get it soon!


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