Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Daddy's Little Lawyer

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:31 AM
Yesterday, July 28, Marty went to the office, and Mommy and Brianne ran some errands. This was the first time I packed the baby and dog into the car all by myself. I felt very accomplished, though it took me an hour longer to get going than I planned :o)

After dropping Cooper off at the groomer, we went to visit Daddy and Grandpa Monroe at their law office. She was sleeping during the entire ride, but when we got to their office, she woke right up. Must have been the smell of all those law books. Brianne got really excited sitting with Daddy, and I think I even heard her sqeak out "Order in the court!". Daddy and Grandpa were so proud.

After that, we went home and Grandma Mimi came over with Brianne's cousins Taylor and Tyler. Taylor fed Brianne and they all had a great time snuggling together. Later Grand dad Steve and Grandma Janet came to visit, and then Mi Ma Debbie came after that to make Mom and Dad some dinner. Lots of visitors! Brianne slept really well last night after all the attention.

Marty sharing some legal knowledge with Brianne. Can you say "habeus corpus"?

Taylor, Tyler , and Brianne.


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