Monday, July 27, 2009

World's Best Grandmas

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:49 PM
This past weekend was a rough one. Brianne is still working on sleeping during the night (she is a master at sleeping through the day), which makes for a very sleepy mommy and daddy. Our late-Saturday night was spent with a super wakeful baby who wasnt exactly fussy, but didn't want to go to sleep. Add on top of that a malfunctioning air conditioning, and you have a recipe for cranky baby and parents.

Enter the super grandmas! Mee-maw (Kelly's mom) came over to our house to meet the air conditioner repair man. While she waited, she cleaned our house (we were out visiting friends with baby). That afternoon, Grandma Mimi (Marty's mom) watched the baby at her house so Kelly and Marty could get some lunch and go home and take a nap. We are so very lucky to have such great support! Thanks world's best grandmas - this would be so much harder without you!

Brianne's grandmas together - (from left to right) Grandma Janet, Grandma Mimi, Mee-
Maw (Debbie)


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