Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feels Like Home

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:31 AM
We were discharged from the hospital on Sunday, July 19. Memorial West is incredibly secure, and we were basically strip searched on our way out to make sure we didnt grab the wrong baby. During our time there, Brianne had a baby Low Jack on her ankle. When we went into the hospital, I thought the whole security thing was a bit extreme. Funny how having a baby changes your perspective and what seemed extreme suddenly didnt seem like nearly enough security to protect your precious baby.

After we got through security, Marty pulled the car around and we loaded Brianne into her car seat. Special thanks goes out to the Davie Fire Department for making sure we installed the car seat base in correctly :o)

Once in the car, Marty drove approximately 15 miles an hour and what should have been a 10 minute car ride home turned into a 45 minute journey. We made it home safe and sound, and enjoyed introducing Brianne to her new best friend, Cooper.

Cooper is so good around her. He doesn't bark, or jump up. He tip toes around her and sniffs her feet. His new favorite place is sitting next to whoever is holding her. Good boy!

Our new little family after the ride home.

Brianne's first car ride.

Leaving the hospital.


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