Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Shower a Day Keeps the Mood Swings Away

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 9:13 AM
I've found that one of the keys to keeping my sanity in the midst of all the baby fun is taking at least one shower a day. There's nothing like scrubbing off the spit up, baby poo and night sweats (another fun after effect of giving birth nobody tells you about) to give you a brighter outlook on life.

Yesterday, July 29, Marty went into the office again, so I had to finagle a shower sometime while Brianne was sleeping. This was especially important since we took a walk around the block earlier in the morning, and managed to work up a sweat in the 15 minutes spent outside (darn that humidity). So I ended up putting Brianne in the big girl crib in her room which was the closest place to our upstairs bathroom to put her down . We have a beautiful bumper that came as part of the bedding set, but apparently those can kill babies, so I took it out. She looked so teeny in there!

After that, we spent some time playing on the couch making funny faces at each other. We had a great day overall.

Brianne in her car seat coming home after her walk. She finds going for a walk very soothing, despite the heat.

Brianne in her big girl crib. Notice a theme here? We like pink (Mi Ma Debbie is so proud).

Funny Face time with Mommy.


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