Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Due Date Comes and Goes

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 4:52 PM
So Baby Kiar was due on Sunday, July 12. Today is Tuesday, July 14, and still no baby. I like to think she is just very comfortable where's she's at, and that I am awesome and doing a great job (at least this is what I tell myself to make me feel better about going past my due date). I just hope this is not a preview of her stubborn toddler stage - there's no such thing as terrible in -uteros, is there?

But I have a fantastic doctor who has scheduled me to be induced tomorrow, July 15 to have Baby Kiar on Thursday, July 16. So one way or the other, we will have a beautiful baby in hand by end of day Thursday!

Stay tuned right here for more baby news at our family blog. We hope you enjoy the pictures and witty commentary on the joys of bringing home baby! Thank you for all your well wishes and support. We can't wait to share the first pictures (and name) of the newest addition to our family!

Here is a picture of me on my now-past due date. Marty and Cooper waited very patiently (all the waiting made Cooper very tired).


T Child on July 15, 2009 at 2:10 PM said...

So cute!! Best wishes and can't wait to see how beautiful she will be!
Tiffany and Eddie

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