Friday, July 24, 2009

To Grandmother's House We Go

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:36 AM
Yesterday, July 23, we went on a family outing to Grandpa and Grandma Mimi's house (Marty's parents). We had a great time getting out of our house for a bit, and enjoying dinner with family. Brianne got to meet her cousin Tyler, and her dog-cousin Daisy. Everyone enjoyed visiting with each other, except for Daisy, who was a bit upset to not only have Cooper tearing up her toys and chasing her around the house, but to have Grandma Mimi's arms occupied with a new baby. Poor Daisy, she was was so upset all night.

Our little family :o)

Daisy looking on jealously at Grandma Mimi and Brianne. You can see Cooper mauling her duckie toy at the bottom of this pic.

Brianne with her cousin Tyler and her aunt/Godmother Casey.


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