Friday, July 24, 2009

A Hard Day's Night - Brianne Turns One Week!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:46 AM
It's unbelievable how fast time flies! Brianne is one week old today, Friday, July 24. It's so hard to believe how fast this week went by. She'll be going to college and getting married before we know it. Brianne decided to commemorate her week birthday by doing exactly what she did a week ago at the time she was born - screaming her head off inconsolibly. She had plenty to eat, clean diapers, two doting parents soothing her, but she would have none of it. I guess it's a hard life being a baby! And just yesterday, she slept for 7 hours straight (yes that's right - 7 hours). I guess we used up all our sleepy baby karma that night.

No matter how much she screams, we love her to pieces, and couldn't imagine going another day without her in our lives.

Poor Cooper hasn't been getting his normal 19 hours of sleep. He is wiped out!

Brianne finally nodding off around 8am, July 24. Marty took her downstairs at 6am so Kelly could get some sleep - what a Dad.


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