Thursday, July 23, 2009

On the Road to Recovery

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:27 AM
After giving birth, we had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours to recover. There are a lot of things that happen during the recovery process that they leave out of baby books, but I was lucky to have a friend (who happens to be my boss) who recently had a baby and gave me the low down on all the gory details so I was at least mentally prepared. Thanks Tricia :o)

Besides the pain of recovering, we had a wonderful experience at Memorial West. Every nurse helping us was absolutely amazing, and took their time to explain things to us and to make sure we were as comfortable as possible. The facilities themselves were also amazing, and were comparable to a hotel. All they were missing was a mini-fridge.

Marty was a rock star during the whole hospital stay and went above and beyond to help me and to help with the baby. He jumped into the role as Daddy very quickly, and is working on his masters degree in diaper changing.

Pics of Kelly, Marty and Brianne recovering in the hospital:


Lummer on July 23, 2009 at 7:27 AM said...

Glad I could offer my thoughts and advice.. I will always give you the truth and not sugar coat it. Well not always :)

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