Friday, January 15, 2010

It's All Relative

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:32 PM
Brianne has had a lot of exciting visitors lately. This past week, she was thrilled to meet her Aunt Jeanie, who is Mi Ma Debbie's sister. Our Uncle Mike (Mi Ma Debbie's brother) and Aunt Diane came the week before. They all live in South Carolina, so it was a big treat for us to get to visit with them.

They aren't the farthest from us though. My cousin Lisa (Aunt Jeanie's daughter) lives with her husband and three sons in Australia. In second place distance-wise is Marty's Aunt Irene, whose family all live in Israel. It definitely makes us appreciate how close our immediate family is to us, and how convenient it is for us to see everyone!

We miss our family who live so far away, and hope we can visit them soon!

Brianne enjoying some time with Aunt Jeanie.


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