Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life's a Beach

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 4:58 AM
We celebrated our day off last Monday at the beach. One of the great things about living in South Florida is being able to enjoy some sand and surf in the middle of January.

Once we parked and lugged our million beach bags onto the sand, we spent the majority of our time just taking everything in. It's a lot of fun seeing a place you've been hundreds of times through the eyes of someone who's seeing it all for the very first time. For example, Brianne was fascinated by the beach umbrella, and the way the sun showed through it, and the edges fluttered in the breeze. She thought the sea gulls swooping down to eat a little kid's Cheetos was the funniest thing ever (we thought it was pretty funny too). The most mesmerizing thing for her was the ocean crashing against the sand.

We took a walk to see what was around, and found an awesome play ground with barbecue area, beach volleyball and basketball courts (for those of you local - the area of Ft. Lauderdale beach across from the Bahia Mar, south of Las Olas). I think we may have found the site of Brianne's first birthday party! We didn't do any of the things we normally did (lay out, take a nap, read a book), but it was one of the most fun beach days ever!

It was still a little cool out, so we didn't put Brianne in one of her 20 bathing suits. Here Brianne is wearing a super cute outfit given to her by her friend, Kylie Lum. Thanks Kylie!

Brianne was fascinated by the sand, but she didn't try to put her sandy hands in her mouth! Genius baby!

Here we are taking a walk down the beach. We invested in some baby sunscreen (spf 60). It was like liquid paste, which is why she looks a little whiter than normal in this picture.


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