Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:24 PM
It's funny to look back over 2009 and see how much my life has changed. Obviously, the biggest change has been Brianne. I try to think back to where I was this time last year, and cant believe Brianne was just a little fetus swimming around inside me. Last New Year's, Marty and I were in Sanibel, and in bed by 10pm. Mine was a pregnancy-induced exhaustion, and Marty was sympathy-tired.

This year, we got to ring in the New Year with Brianne in person. We went over to our friends, the DiPaolos, house for a party. Alona and Frank's son, Bradley, is a few months older than Brianne, so it was a baby-friendly party, which was nice. They have a super play room full of toys, and Brianne had a great time hanging out with Bradley and just taking it all in.

We put the babies to bed around 8pm, and got to enjoy some adults-only time, which included great conversation, good music, and Peanut Butter and Jelly shots (a mix of frangelico and chambord - it really did taste like PB&J!). Thank goodness for designated-driver Marty! We actually made it all the way to Midnight, and welcomed 2010 with hope for an amazing new year!

Brianne trying to break into Bradley's play room.

Mom and Brianne getting festive for the New Year!

Brianne was concerned that she didn't know to words to Auld Lang Syne. We just made it up as we went along any way.


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