Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Short and Sweet (Potato)

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:00 PM
To mark her turning 6 months old, we decided to try some real food - sweet potato! Brianne wanted some birthday cake to celebrate her half birthday, but we convinced her that sweet potato was just as delicious (wonder how many birthdays we can keep that fib up - i'm guessing not many). Also, I decided that it was time to stop pumping, but I dont feel as guilty not giving her breast milk if I can give her some other tasty options (side note: she still drinks bottles, they just have formula in it).

I am determined to make all her baby food from fresh veggies. I actually got this nifty machine that is a steamer/food processor combo. It is so fast and easy, and you can make a week's worth of food in one shot. The only problem is, the loud sound of the food processor freaks Brianne out, so I have to make sure she has a Baby Einstein video on to distract her.

The first batch of sweet potato turned out great. I waited until dinner time to give her the first bite of sweet potato, which turned out to be a bad idea, as she was in a bad mood and ready to go to bed. Though she managed a few bites and seemed interested. I got a report from Aunt Joan that today (Jan 19), she really enjoyed eating her sweet potatoes for lunch. Another funny side note, when Brianne eats solids now, she will only take a bite if she can grab the spoon (with you still holding the end) and put it into her mouth. What a smarty pants!

I'm looking forward to experimenting with other foods in my handy dandy new food processor. Lucky for me, Brianne seems to be a willing guinea pig!

Here is Brianne waiting patiently for her sweet potatoes to steam.


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