Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Six Months Old

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:38 PM
Holy smokes. Half a year has gone by, and as of January 17, Brianne is 6 months old. I know I say it every month, but where does the time go? We have been trying to soak up new parenthood as much as possible and enjoy every single minute. With little babies, you really do need to pay attention, as they are doing new stuff every day.

Brianne is no exception, and seems to learn new tricks before we've had a chance to fully appreciate the old ones. Also, when she does something new, she may do it once, then not again for a few weeks. For example, she has completed a full 360 roll (from back to stomach to back again). She did it a few times a day for about a week, then hasn't done it at all this past week - at least that I've seen. I think she gets caught up in something new, and gets too distracted with the new activity to remember to do the old ones. Gee, I wonder who she gets that from? You can't spell Daddy without ADD :o)

Brianne is more and more curious about the world around her. She does her best to learn as fast as she can. Her favorite method of learning? Putting it in her mouth. I've read that babies at her age learn the most by the things they can put in her mouth. At this point, she may be on her way to being a Rhodes Scholar, considering everything she gets in her hands goes in her mouth.

She continues to roll, and has been improving on her assisted sitting. She still kind of falls over if you dont prop her up, but you can tell she is getting steadier. She has started "swimming" when you put her on her tummy - kicking her arms and legs with a fury - getting ready to crawl. Also in prep for crawling, she is starting to dig her knees in under her, as well as push up higher on her hands. It will only be a matter of time before we are chasing after her! She is developing quite a sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing to laugh at is Cooper. She loves to watch whatever he's doing, and thinks its the funniest thing ever when he plays fetch. She also loves to make us laugh and has fun making faces at us and laughing when we laugh at her. We are having so much with Bree and look forward to each day and each new discovery!

What a serious face!

Bree practice crawling. You can see she's trying to get her left knee under her and push up on her arms.

She actually scooted herself underneath our ottoman all on her own.


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