Friday, January 15, 2010

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:07 PM
The first Sunday of the new year had us back to downtown Ft. Lauderdale for the Jazz Brunch. Brianne and I met Granddad Steve and Grandma Janet at their house, and took a nice stroll over to the Riverfront area. This time, we were prepared with our own chair and a picnic blanket so we had somewhere comfortable to sit (last time, we had to rig some plastic bags and a tiny towel). Also, it was wonderfully cool outside, which was much more pleasant than the sweltering heat we had back in October.

We had a great time just relaxing, enjoying the cool breeze mixed in with some nice jazz tunes. Jazz brunch is definitely a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon - I wish it were every weekend!

Brianne spreading out on the picnic blanket, wearing her super cute purple sweat suit.

Another fun cold weather accessory - shoes! This was the first time Brianne wore shoes. The pair she wore this day had shoe strings, which is just stupid. All baby clothing items requiring a fastener should either have zippers, snaps or velcro. Otherwise, you are just constantly tying and re-tying, which is cute for maybe the first 20 times. Then it's just annoying.

Here is Brianne and Granddad Steve enjoying the cool weather. We dug out a little knit cap someone gave her when she was born to keep her head warm outside. You don't realize how fast a baby's head grows until you try to stretch a newborn size hat on a 5 month size head. It's still adorable!

Here is Brianne taking a snooze while the band was on break.


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