Friday, January 15, 2010

When the Weather Outside is Frightful

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:33 PM
The past couple of weeks, Florida has seen record cold temperatures. And I'm not talking Florida-cold (anything below 75 degrees), but real, legitimate cold. We've been enjoying day time temps in the 50s and night time as low as in the 20s. I heard that a town near us actually had snow flurries. It was probably for 10 minutes at 3:00 am, but still - snow in Florida!

Brianne has accumulated a few cold weather outfits, and I was worried that she would never get a chance to wear them. Lucky for us this cold front hit when it did so we could parade her around in super cute snuggly outfits. I've included some of my personal favorites below.

Here is Brianne in her one heavy jacket. It was so padded that she couldn't put her arms down.

No one has ever looked this cute in stripey pants!

It was super cold this past weekend, but I learned a little trick from my Mommy and Me class. Put them in footy pajamas, then put their outfit on top of it. So when their little pants or top ride up, the jammies keep their legs and tummy warm. Genius! Bree is wearing footy pajamas in under her sweater below.


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