Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bad Hair Day

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:22 PM
Brianne has had a little baby dandruff, otherwise known as "cradle cap". It doesn't bother her at all, and isn't even that noticeable. But the last time we were at the pediatrician, her doctor gave us an over-the-counter treatment - cortisone ointment rubbed onto her scalp at night, then washed out with dandruff shampoo the following morning.

Her doctor said the cortisone would wash right out in the morning - yeah right. We tried this the other night, and it was like putting vaseline in her hair, totally slimy and impossible to wash out. We washed her hair 3 times in the sink, twice with the dandruff shampoo and once with her own shampoo. Her head was still sticky after 3 washings, and we didn't want to irritate her scalp, so she stayed sticky the rest of the day.

Here we are 2 days (and 2 baths) later, and the stickiness has almost completely gone away. Her head still smells funny, but I am hoping that will clear up soon.

Yikes - what a little grease ball. At least I'll have another photo to black mail her with when she's a teenager.


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