Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:03 PM
You haven't really experienced Christmas until you've spent it with a little kid. Seeing their eyes light up with excitement at all the presents under the tree is one of the most fun things ever. So maybe in Brianne's case, she was more dazzled by the lights on the tree and the shiny wrapping paper than by the prospect of new toys, but it was still cute.

Even though Brianne already has enough toys to entertain an entire class room full of children, I couldn't resist picking out a few things I thought she'd like. In return, Brianne gave us a full night's sleep (she slept through the night until about 7:00am!). After she got up, we gave her a bottle, then went to open presents. I parked her little Bumpo chair right next to the tree, and she had a blast banging her little hands on the presents and pulling the bows off. I assisted her opening her presents, though once we got them open, she seemed to enjoy the paper and bows more than the presents themselves.

And that was only the first gift session of the day - we had two more at Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe's house, then again at Mi Ma Debbie's house!

Here is Brianne gearing up to open presents. Those boxes are bigger than she is!

Here I am helping out. Brianne had fun wearing her bows on her head.

After we opened presents at our house, we went to Aunt Casey and Uncle Scott's house for Christmas morning brunch. Here is Brianne with her cousins, Taylor and Tyler.

Brianne just finished opening presents at Mi Ma's. Her little arms were tired from all the unwrapping!


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