Monday, December 21, 2009

Festival of (Boat) Lights

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:14 PM
Winter brings with it a lot of fun activities, one being the Winterfest Boat Parade. I would normally say "and cold weather", but we've had precious few cool days as of late. This year, we watched the parade from my dad's condo, which is located right on the New River by Riverfront It was the best place to watch the parade, since the start of the parade was right outside his balcony. It was especially nice since we had a down pour that evening.

Even with the rain, everyone had a great time seeing all the decorated boats. We even saw Kim Kardashian! The show Keeping up with the Kardashians is our guilty pleasure reality show (and the inspiration for the name of our family blog :o) They opened up a store (Dash Miami) on South Beach this past year. I tried to convince Marty to go down so we could shop there and maybe even be on the show, but he said no.

We had some fun taking Santa pictures while we waited for the parade to start. Here is Santa Bree!

Our cousin Ashley was down visiting for a couple weeks. Brianne had a blast with Ashley and was laughing and smiling up a storm.

Here's the view from the balcony. You can kind of see the boats down there behind the trees. Pictures dont really do it justice.


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