Sunday, December 13, 2009

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:52 PM
Christmas shopping madness has been in full effect at the Kiar household for the past couple of weeks. But instead of spending endless hours fighting the crowds, I've done almost all our Christmas shopping online. Whoever invented should get an award. I've poured through tons of catalogues and asked friends with older children about the best presents for 5 month old babies, and have narrowed it down to a few choice items I think Brianne will love. I'm not sure why I bother, since Brianne loves random things like cloth napkins, paper towel rolls and her own feet. But I just couldn't help myself. Oh well. We'll spoil the crap out of her this time around, and save the life lessons about materialism and the evils of consumerism for next Christmas.

Here is Brianne playing with one of her current favorite toys, a rubber worm I got for $2 at Walgreens. Babies are so easily amused :o)


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