Monday, December 21, 2009

Five Months Old

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:30 PM
Brianne is five months old as of October 17. I know I say it every month, but I cant believe she is getting so big! Right on schedule, Brianne did a full roll - from back to front and onto her back again. You could tell she was just as surprised as we were. We are also working on sitting upright and standing. She really likes practicing standing.

She is developing quite a little personality, and loves to laugh and smile. She loves meeting new people, and looking at new faces. She is reaching out more and more, for toys, and best of all, for us! There's nothing better than seeing her reach her little arms out for you. She also likes to touch our faces, especially our mouths while we talk. You can almost see her working it out, putting together the mouth movements with speech. I swear, one day she will just look over at me and say "hey mom!"

She is still teething, but her little teeth haven't quite made their way through her gums. I feel so bad for her knowing how painful it must be. I just try to keep a supply of teething toys handy. Watching her grow and change is so much fun. We feel so lucky that Brianne is ours!

Brianne enjoying some fun new toys, and practicing sitting up right.


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