Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can I Get Fries With That?

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:42 PM
Brianne is getting more and more interested in solid food. When we go to restaurants, she's not content to sit back in her car seat while we eat. Now she likes to sit in our lap and grab at items on the table. She also likes to watch us eat, and will watch the fork as it goes from our plate to our mouths. I've been giving her little tastes of things, and have had fun watching her facial expressions as she tastes new foods. The best one was lemon - you could tell she was thinking "what the heck was that" when she scrunched up her face from the sour taste. We're looking forward to introducing her to all kinds of new foods. I know it will be a family milestone when she first tries ketchup - with his love of ketchup, I'm sure Marty will be tearing up from pride.

Here we are at Crispers. Brianne ate her bottle, but we could tell she really wanted some of Marty's Asian Flatbread Salad.

I guess she was still hungry, since it looks like she was trying to eat the bottle whole.


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