Monday, December 21, 2009

You've Got Mail

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:48 PM
Every year, it's my personal goal to send out Christmas cards on time. Last year, I actually bought Christmas cards, hand-wrote them all, addressed them, then made the mistake of asking Marty to take them to the post office to mail (I didn't have any stamps on me). Little did I know that my Christmas cards only made it as far as the center console in Marty's Tahoe. We went to Sanibel on vacation, and while I was sitting in Marty's car, I happened to open up the console and found all my Christmas cards. It was December 29 when I found them - yes, 4 days after Christmas. So after all that effort, we ended up tossing them.

With the baby, I was more determined than ever to do Christmas cards. It's actually easier when you have a baby, because you can do those picture cards. They may not be hand written, but I love getting cards with recent photos, so it sounded like a good idea to me. And I learned my lesson, and bought stamps in advance so my Christmas cards made it into the mail this year, instead of Marty's car.

Some highlights from the Kiar's Christmas card.... We had to take about 50 pictures to get the two we put on our card. This one would have been good if Brianne didn't look like she was trying to rip out Cooper's eye.

We tried to get a picture of Brianne and Cooper, but Cooper kept running off, and Brianne kept looking the wrong way. This was the closest we could get, but Marty's arm was in the way.

My current favorite picture of Brianne. She did so good sitting up in her little chair.


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