Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Star is Born

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:22 PM
The week before Christmas, Marty and I found ourselves a bit double-booked. My brother graduated from Navy basic training, Marty had a fundraiser, and Brianne was the Baby Jesus in our church pageant. All on the same day. Unfortunately, I had already booked my air to Chicago for the graduation, so I had to miss Brianne's theatrical debut. Though I was thrilled and proud to see Jon graduate. He looked so handsome in his Navy dress blues :o)

Grandma Mimi and Aunt Joan wrangled our little actress for her performance, and took lots of pictures and video. From what I heard, Brianne did fantastic, and didn't cry at all. She was too busy taking everything in - from the singing angels, Christmas decorations and all her adoring fans. She was definitely a little star!

Here is the cast of the church pageant. And you can't see it from here, but she is wearing a onesie that says Angel on the front and has little wings on the back. I could just die from the cuteness of it all!

Here we are in the beautiful Great Lakes Naval training facility in Waukegan, IL. We got to enjoy some cold weather (in the 30s), and I got to wear the long coat I bought 3 years ago, but have never had the opportunity to wear. I think us Floridians were the only ones excited about the snow - everyone else there looked tired of the bad weather. At least the ceremony was inside! Jon was standing right up front and center, so we could easily see him. He actually was the leader of his section, won an Expert Marksman medal, and was one of 10 trainees (out of 700) to be invited to have breakfast with their captain. Jon rocks!


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