Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reunited and It Feels So Good

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:11 PM
Marty had another special session over the last 10 days, which was the most time he spent away from Brianne since she was born. It is good practice for next Spring when Marty has to go to Tallahassee from March through May. He'll come home a few weekends in between, but he'll be gone for awhile, leaving us plenty of Mommy/Baby (and grandma) bonding time. We missed Marty a bunch while he was gone, and were so happy to have him back.

With Marty gone, I had to be on 100% baby duty after work, which didn't leave a lot of time or energy for much else (like updating a blog, for example). It's a lot of work, but to quote one of my friend's husbands - it's the hardest job I love to do.

Brianne worked on some new tricks to show Daddy while he was gone, like rolling all the way over, and (assisted) standing. She was so proud of herself for her accomplishments, and she was so excited to show her dad.

Marty and Brianne reconnecting with some tummy time.

Look Ma', no hands....well, almost.


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