Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Great to Be a Florida Gator

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:05 PM
On Saturday, Marty, my mom, and I drove up to Gainesville to see the Florida Gators play the Florida State Seminoles. We usually go up to Gainesville to see a game once a year, so it was great that we could go for this big rivalry game. It is also the last game Tim Tebow (Gator quarterback) played in the Swamp (sniffle). Early this year, I actually spoke to Tim Tebow on the phone. The Gators were in Tallahassee after winning the National Championship, and Marty, the good husband that he is, elbowed his way up to Tebow and asked him to talk to me on the phone. It only lasted for 60 seconds, and I cant even remember what either of us said, but it was one of the greatest minutes ever (can you tell I love Tim Tebow?).

Brianne stayed with Grandma Mimi and Grandpa Monroe. We missed our little Gator while we were gone, but had a blast tail gating, visiting with our good friends, Emily and Adam, and watching the Gators stomp the Noles. I can't wait to bring Brianne up to my alma mater so she can experience the thrill of college football - dont be surprised to see her in a little Gator cheer leader outfit sometime in the near future!

Here is Brianne having a great time at Grandma Mimi's house.


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