Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yummy in my Tummy

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 7:16 PM
This past weekend, we experimented with solid (well, semi-solid) food. Brianne tried rice cereal for the very first time, and actually seemed to really like it. We weren't sure how she'd take it, but the last time we were at the doctor, Brianne's pediatrician advised us to start introducing solids, so we gave it a whirl. I even bought her a special bowl and spoons.

She did really well sitting up in her high chair, and opened her mouth right up when I brought the spoon toward her face. She kind of looked like a little baby bird waiting for food. She only ate a few bites, but she didn't hardly spit any of it out. She'll probably stick to a bottle/rice cereal diet for another month or so, but coming soon to a high chair near you - sweet potato!

Brianne enjoying some delicious rice cereal.

Here is Brianne contemplating the mysteries of eating with utensils.


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