Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Come Fly With Me

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:28 PM
One of Brianne and my favorite new games is "air plane". It's really just me trying to get creative in encouraging her to spend more time on her tummy, but she seems to enjoy it. I am really enjoying how she delights in these kinds of simple activities. She is mesmerized by all the little things - from the wind blowing the branches on the tree on our patio, to the way she can make water splash by waving her hands and legs in the bath tub, to blowing rasberries (her other favorite activity). But she is especially captivated by our faces, and the expressions we make and the songs we sing. Pretty soon she'll be into the latest toys, movies, etc, so I am trying to make the most out of the time when a ride on my knees is the coolest thing ever.

Here is Brianne taking a ride on Mommy Airways.


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