Saturday, November 21, 2009

Four Months Old

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:38 AM
Brianne is 4 months old as of October 17. I can't believe how fast the time has flown! Brianne had her 4 month check up, and had to get some shots. Brianne measured 26 inches long and 13 lbs, 10 oz. She's in the 50th percentile for her weight, and is in the 95th (!) percentile for her height. That means she's on track to be super tall. She must get her height from her dad's side - Marty is 6'2" and her Uncle Marc (Marty's brother) is 6'5"! She is overall very healthy, and is doing very well.

Developmentally, she can lift her head and shoulders off the floor when she is on her tummy. She has started laughing, which is the greatest sound ever. She grabs at things (including my hair), and tries to put it into her mouth. She is starting to get mobile, and scoots herself around on her back. I think she has started teething. No teeth yet, but she is extra drooly and constantly chews on things. This weekend, we'll start experimenting with solid (well, semi-solid) foods - baby cereal! Stay tuned for more on that!

Here we are in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Brianne isn't nervous at all!

Here we are waiting for the doctor.

Brianne right after getting her shots. She took them really well, and only cried for a few seconds (and I didn't cry at all!)


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