Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Spook-tacular Morning

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 12:07 PM
This year was the first time we really celebrated Halloween, thanks to Brianne. We wanted to make it special for her, so we tried to do lots of fun activities. We started the day with a 5K benefiting Women in Distress. Daddy ran (and placed second for his age group) and Mommy and Brianne walked (no medals for us, unfortunately).

We participated in the event with our good friends, the DiPaolos. After the race, we came back to our house and had breakfast. Brianne and Bradley had a fun hanging out together and sharing Bree's toys. After that, Brianne and I went to a Mommy and Me class, and had a great time singing spooky songs and looking at the other kids in their cute costumes.

Later, we carved Baby's First Jack-o-lantern. Brianne supervised and had fun playing with the gooey pumpkin insides.

Here we are before the race. Brianne slept through most of it, but she still broke a sweat since it was 90 degrees outside. Hopefully we'll get some cold weather soon!

Here is Bradley and Brianne having fun after breakfast. Brianne got to wear her Baby's First Halloween onesie - she made one cute little pumpkin!

Mom and Brianne deciding what kind of face to give our Jack-o-lantern. We actually looked on the internet for carving ideas - definitely Halloween in the digital age!


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