Sunday, November 1, 2009

In the Navy

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:29 AM
On Monday, October 26, Brianne's Uncle Jonathan (my brother) left for the Navy. We are so excited for him, and hope he will enjoy meeting new friends and doing some incredible things. Jonathan joins several of our other family members who served (or are currently serving) in the armed forces. Both my grandfathers Jim and Ed were in the Army, my Uncle Mike and my cousin Robbie were Marines, and my cousin Tyler is currently serving in the Army and is stationed in Iraq (he comes home this Thanksgiving). I am so proud of all my family, and am excited for Jon and the adventure he is about to begin.

Here is Jon and Brianne. We had lunch with Jon last Sunday before my parents drove him down to Miami to be processed. This is actually the first time Jon held Brianne. Apparently, guys dont like holding small babies, but I forced him since the next time he sees her, she will be a toddler.


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