Friday, November 20, 2009

Fun On Our Feet

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:36 AM
After I went back to work, I moved to a Mommy and Me class on Saturdays. In this new class, Brianne is the oldest baby there, which is kind of weird to me, since I am used to her being the youngest. I love looking at the tiny babies and remembering when Brianne was a little lump like them. It seems like she's come such a long way, though it's only been a couple months.

Now that she's holding her head better, she can spend more time up right (which is good, since the back of her head is starting to get flat from laying down all the time). In the class, they have this exer-saucer thing which props them up right and has all kinds of cool toys. Brianne was mesmerized by this one toy in the shape of an hour glass that had little colored beads in it. She sat there gawking at it for a good 10 minutes, which is like a year in baby-time.

Brianne in the exer-saucer, staring away at the hour glass.


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