Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We Miss Daddy!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:14 PM
This week, Marty is up in Tallahassee for his legislative committee meetings, which means I have had Brianne all by myself. Well, sort of by myself. My mom has been a huge help in taking care of Brianne and shuttling her to day care and back. I will admit, I do feel a little inadequate that I cant do it all myself, but I just swallow my pride and thank my lucky stars that I have someone (besides my husband) who gives so selflessly of themselves and their time to help us.

We've been managing pretty well, though we miss Marty a lot. I miss him especially, since the time change has messed Brianne's schedule up, making her extra fussy in the evenings. Trying to explain to a 3 month old that its actually an hour earlier and that she has to stay awake when she's ready to go to bed hasn't worked out so well for me. So I have been putting her to bed almost an hour earlier the past few days, but she's still sleeping through the night, so Im sure it will all just work itself out.

Marty comes home on Friday, and we can't wait to see him!

Brianne is practicing her Tummy Time, so she can show Daddy some new tricks when he gets back. She achieved an all-time record for staying on her tummy without screaming - 5 minutes straight!

The key to Tummy Time? Distraction with lots of brightly colored toys.


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