Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Day of Discovery

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 1:16 PM
This Sunday, we decided to take a journey over to downtown Ft. Lauderdale to visit the Museum of Discovery and Science. Of course, we wanted to show Brianne some cool stuff, but mostly, admission was free this weekend for Bank of America customers (which we are), so we thought, hey, why not. On the way, Brianne started fussing and fell asleep. When we got there, she was still sleeping, so Marty and I absorbed some knowledge for her. Luckily, she woke up in a good mood and was ready for some learning. We looked at some animals, and watched other kids exploring the museum. Brianne is still a little young to fully appreciate the museum, but I think she had a good time seeing something new.

Here we are checking out the aquarium in the museum. Brianne loved watching the little fishies swim on by.

Brianne looks really excited by the crazy loops on this toy. She is probably just trying to figure out the best way to put it in her mouth.


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