Friday, November 20, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:46 AM
Marty played baseball throughout college, and loves to re-live his glory days by playing softball. He is trying to instill a love of sports in Brianne by showing her the mysteries of baseball, like the pros and cons of aluminum versus wood bats, how to pitch a no hitter, and the best way to get out of a pickle. We had to start out slow, but she already seems really fascinated by the ball and bat.

Looks like we'll be signing her up for tee ball sooner rather than later. I cant wait, since its the cutest thing ever to watch the little kids all running after the ball together. Marty is really looking forward to coaching, though im sure it will be a bit different trying to direct 2 year olds versus 20-something college men.

A quick fun fact - my Granddad Jim (my dad's dad) coached Marty in high school baseball, before I even met Marty. So baseball definitely runs in our family!

The proud dad and Brianne, collecting soft balls after some batting practice.

This bat is taller than she is!

Brianne enjoying some break time after running drills and shagging flies.


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