Friday, November 20, 2009

Bubble Bubble, Bathtime Trouble

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:08 AM
Our night time routine is one of my favorite times with Brianne each day. We follow the same pattern pretty much every evening - bath time, put on jammies, eat a bottle, fall asleep. The tricky part of this process is bath time. Not because Brianne doesn't like baths - she loves them. It's the transferring a naked baby from her changing table to the bath tub without getting pooped or pee'd on that's the hard part.

A few nights ago, I had gotten her changed out of her clothes for her bath, and we made it into the bath tub. All of a sudden, I noticed some little bubbles in the bath water. We both thought this was really funny, until she did number 2, right in the bath. I started shrieking, and Brianne just kept on laughing. I whipped her out of the tub, put her on her towel, hosed out the tub, then refilled it. Then I put her back in, and a minute later, she did it again!!

So I had to do the whole process again, and finally, on the third try, I got her completely clean and poo-free. Marty was very unhelpful and only came upstairs to laugh at me before going back down to continue watching TV.

What a little stinker!


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