Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Busy Little Bee

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:17 PM
Now that it is summer time, it is next to impossible to do anything outside between the hours of 9:00am and 6:00pm without melting. We have been looking into different activities that we can do with Brianne that are indoors, and have discovered that there are a bunch of little indoor playgrounds around town. These are great as they have a lot of toys, and other young kids, and best of all - air conditioning!

One that we recently found is called Busy Bee Kidz. Mi Ma Debbie and I took Brianne over to check it out, and we really enjoyed it!

Brianne enjoyed bouncing around the ball pit.

Of course, Elmo was her favorite! It doesn't hurt that mommy does a mean Elmo impression.

Though her favorite toy was a little Sesame Street Kitchen. This little girl sitting next to her is actually two years old. Brianne isn't even 12 months yet, and she was just as tall as this little girl. I never realized what it meant for her to be in the 95th percentile for height, but now it's making sense!

The coolest toy they had here was a tricerotops that actually moved. Brianne didn't know what to think of it at first, but decided she didn't like it too much and cried when it moved it's head and roared.

They had a kitchen area with kid-sized tables for snack time, and Brianne enjoyed sitting at the table like a big girl.


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