Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Congrats Marc and Jen!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:54 PM
Marty's brother Marc is engaged to a lovely girl named Jen. They recently celebrated their engagement with a very nice party hosted by Marty's parents at the Weston Hills Country Club. Brianne had a great time crawling all over the place and seeing everything there was to see at the club. And it was another opportunity to wear a pretty dress! Brianne also got some good practice for being their flower girl. Marc and Jen are getting married in May 2011.

Marc and Jen cutting their cake. I have to make myself a reminder to tell Marc that nothing good comes from smashing cake in a bride's face on their wedding day.

Brianne eating a teether biscuit. She looks like she's really enjoying it!

More pretty dresses for Mommy and Bree Bree.


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