Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lady in Red (Shoes)

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:29 PM
After 26 years as the principal of St. David's Catholic School, Grandma Mimi is retiring. In celebration of her retirement, the school threw her a lovely retirement party in the church hall. The party started at 7:00pm, which is Brianne's bed time, but she didn't want to miss out on a chance to wear a fancy dress. Brianne has more dresses than she knows what to do with, so we were glad to have a party to show off. Not only was her dress adorable, but she had to have her matching hair bow and patent leather shoes. She was definitely the bell of the ball! She only made it until about 8:30pm, then was ready to hit the hay. I had to jet out of there before our little Cinderella turned into a pumpkin!


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