Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Diapers Are a Girl's Best Friend

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:41 PM
Of all the things Brianne likes to play with, her current favorite toys are diapers. Don't worry, she only gets to play with clean ones. But every time she is on the changing table, she rolls toward the diaper caddy and pulls out some clean diapers to hold onto. But once she's done being changed, she has to hold onto the diapers. The longest she's gone while holding onto a diaper was about 3 hours. Even when you try to distract her with something noisy and flashy, she still has to have at least one diaper in hand. If you stop by our house, you will find at least 10 (clean) diapers in random places around the house.

Here is Brianne bonding with her diapers.

She even crawls while holding diapers. She slips and falls on her face, but never lets go of those diapers.


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