Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Island of Adventure

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:00 PM
We recently did Baby's First Trip to Sanibel with Brianne. Some of my fondest memories of family vacations growing up are of renting a condo in Sanibel with my family, with a bunch of our family friends in neighboring condos, so I was very excited to share those experiences with Brianne. There's not much to do in Sanibel, but to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but as long as you're there with good friends and family, you can be sure to have a good time.

Granddad Steve and Grandma Janet own a home in Sanibel, so we drove over on a Friday evening and enjoyed a relaxing couple of days. We went to the beach, barbecued for dinner and enjoyed being with each other. We attempted to make s'mores, though we learned the hard way that you shouldn't put marshmallows directly onto a grill. One positive thing that came out of that was that we invented a new ice cream flavor - coffee ice cream with charred marshmallow fluff. Yum.

One of the down sides of Sanibel is the lack of beach parking. So it is next to impossible to find a spot unless you either go really early, or stay at a place on the beach. My Dad's condo is a bit inland, so we had to drive to the beach. We went in the late morning and there wasn't a spot to be found. So we got creative with our beach going, and went to the causeway (bridge connecting Sanibel island to the mainland). Here you could actually pull your car right up to the edge of the water, which was very convenient especially when you have a ton of baby stuff to bring.

Here is Brianne relaxing in a beach chair before going for a swim.

Another issue on Sanibel is that the beach is made up of mostly crushed shells instead of sand. To Brianne, it just looked like a bunch of interesting things to put in her mouth. I had to wrestle a couple handfuls of shells and pine cones out of her hands, so the beach was not very relaxing for me.

After the beach, we went back to Granddad's house and hung out. Here we are enjoying the early evening on the porch deck. Their house is right on the edge of a natural preserve, so there are hardly any other houses around. Very peaceful.

Brianne and Grandad Steve.


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