Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't Trust the Weathermen

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 6:48 PM
The only profession I've seen that can be wrong 50% (though usually more) of the time and not get fired are weathermen. We trusted said weather men a couple weekends ago when we wanted to go to the beach. We chose to run errands on Saturday, and save our fun day for Sunday, since the weatherman forecasted sunshine all weekend long.

Of course, it was beautiful on Saturday, but completely overcast on Sunday. Sometimes, even if it's rainy out west where we live, it will still be sunny at the beach, so we decided to give it a go. But on this particular Sunday, it was rainy everywhere. We didn't figure this out until we actually got all our caravan of stuff set up on the beach (murphy's law strikes again).

We still had a nice visit with Grandad Steve, Grandma Janet, and Great Grandma Marvelyn, though a little sun would have been nice.

We just invested in some cool new beach gear, including a new beach tent and some sand toys. Here is Brianne and Dad testing out the new toys.

Checking out the surf. There was a really big rip tide right off shore, so we only dipped a toe in.

We only stayed on the beach for an hour or so. Then we had a nice lunch, and showered off at Marty's Uncle Gerry's house. Brianne really enjoyed the view from their condo, and practicing her pulling up in their dining room.

Brianne doesn't look too excited about swimming in the ocean.


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