Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby's First Parade

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 1:29 PM
On February 27, Brianne was in her first parade! The Town of Davie hosts the annual Orange Blossom festival every year, and Marty and I have ridden in since he has been in office. This year had a really big turn out, so we were excited to show off our little cutie. Though we really would have liked to have Brianne ride in the parade with us, we decided that safety comes first, so she got to enjoy the parade from the side lines in her stroller with Grandma Mimi.

There were a bunch of neat things to see at the parade. Brianne got to see her first solar-powered vehicle, a lot of horses, a marching band, a donkey decorated with body glitter, a fire truck, a brigade of motorcycles, a mini-civil war re-enactment and the oldest person she has ever met, a very nice man that was 100 years old! And a partridge in a pear tree - just kidding. Brianne really enjoyed herself at the festival and meeting all her Davie neighbors!

Here is Brianne in her stroller taking everything in. She even wore a special hair bow for the occasion!

Here we are before the start of the parade. Even though she didn't ride with us, I couldn't resist getting a family picture before we started moving!

Brianne getting up close and personal with her very first horse. We do live in Davie after all, so a love of horses is almost a requirement.


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