Sunday, February 28, 2010


Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 1:50 PM
We had a big scare this week with our dog Cooper. On Tuesday night, Cooper threw up, which normally is not a cause for alarm. This happened sometime in the middle of the night while we were asleep. When we woke up on Wednesday, he was acting strange and making a wimpery-wheezy noise. I didn't give it a second thought and left for work. Marty doesn't leave for work for a couple hours after I do, which turned out to be a lucky thing in this case. Cooper's breathing got progressively worse, so much that Marty wanted to take him to the vet.

After he dropped Brianne off, Marty took Cooper to our vet. They took one look at Cooper, and sent him straight to the veterinary emergency room. I didn't even know such things existed, but thankfully, there was a pet emergency room close by to our vet's office. Cooper was almost unconscious at this point, so when Marty walked through the door, they whisked Cooper back and put him on oxygen.

Long story short, Cooper had inhaled some of his vomit during the night, which severly injured his lungs. At the worst point, only 30% of his lungs were actually functioning, and they were filling with fluid. He spent 4 days in the pet hospital, confined to a little acrylic kennel with oxygen pumping into it, and an IV in his leg. Thanks to the hard work of the doctors, he pulled through it and we were able to bring him home Sunday, February 28. He shouldn't have any lasting effects. The only permanent change is that we will no longer be giving him raw hide bones to chew on, which we think was the reason he threw up in the first place (he ate almost an entire raw hide bone on Tuesday night before we went to bed).

Here is Cooper resting on a pillow, and Brianne giving him a welcome-home pat on the head.


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