Monday, February 15, 2010

The Last Few Cruise Pictures

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:05 PM
I know I've already done a few posts about our cruise, but I had just a few more pictures that were too cute not to share.

Here is Brianne enjoying time wearing her first bathing suit and cover up - even though we didn't get to swim. See, you don't need to swim to have a great time!

Here we are getting ready for dinner. We dressed Brianne in her jammies and laid her in her stroller. Great little baby that she is, she slept right through dinner so we could enjoy our meal and fun conversation. Then we went back to the room, gave her a bottle, and she went right to bed.

We had a lot of fun collecting towel animals throughout our cruise. Here is Brianne showing the love to the towel swans.


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