Friday, February 5, 2010

Kiars at Sea

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:59 PM
Our cruise went to two destinations - Cozumel and Belize. We've been to Cozumel before, but not Belize. It was pretty rainy on both port days, so we opted to stay onboard the ship. We managed to amuse ourselves pretty well...

We read books in the Solarium...

We broke the pool rules and dipped Brianne's toe in the water. Babies in diapers (even swimmy diapers) are not allowed in any pools due to health reasons. I didn't put her all the way in - I mostly just wanted to put her in a bathing suit!

This is as close as we got to Baby's First international country - Mexico. That's Cozumel in the back ground.

Here we are trying to play miniature golf. It was so windy that when we took Brianne out of the stroller for this picture, the stroller actually blew over. Staying up there seemed like a safety hazard, so we cut our game short. And I was beating Marty, so he didn't mind quitting early :o)

Eating on the ship presented some interesting challenges. Luckily, they have plenty of cloth napkins, so we fashioned a full body drape whenever we fed Brianne. Doesn't she look super cute in green?


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