Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chomping at the Bit

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 1:20 PM
It's official - Brianne has teeth! Two teeth to be precise. Her bottom-middle two teeth have come in. Not quite all the way, but you can see them easily now. Marty actually spotted them first a few weeks ago, but I didn't believe him.

Even though she has two teeth, she is still on pureed food. She cant really chew, but she could take your finger off given half the chance. Those little teeth are sharp! We're moving on to baby food that's slightly lumpy now to get her used to chewing. She is doing very well with it and will be chowing down like a grown up in no time.

If you look really close, you can see two little white dots in the center of her lower gums. Those are her little teeth-ies!


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