Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:58 PM
We had a LOVE-ly Baby's First Valentine's Day. We never go out to eat on Valentine's since everyone and their mother goes out to eat on this day, so we just made dinner in and enjoyed no lines, no waiting and excellent cuisine at Chez Kiar. We gave Brianne the ultimate Valentine's gift by getting her a card with extra sparkles on it. She played with her card for a good 30 minutes. It was a pain scrubbing all the glitter off her later, but it was fun to watch her having a great time with a piece of paper.

Here's Brianne with her special Valentine - Daddy!

Here is Brianne playing with her card.

And here's a little romantic tune from the Kiars to all you lovers out there - Happy Valentine's Day!


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