Friday, February 5, 2010

Oceans of Fun

Posted by Martin and Kelly Kiar at 5:47 PM
The next couple days during our cruise, we spent enjoying all the amenities on the ship. I haven't cruised for vacation in a few years, so it was exciting to sail and not have to run between meetings, set up special events, or wear pointy dress shoes. What was especially fun was experiencing all the different programs for families. Cruising with kids is a totally different experience than cruising with just adults, but Royal Caribbean does a great job with having a lot of options for family-friendly activities. Again, I can't stress enough how much better this cruise was because my mom was there. We still did a lot of activities that included the baby, however, we got to have a break every once in awhile.

Whenever we cruise, playing in the ping pong tournament is a MUST DO for Marty. Marty actually won the tournament during our cruise. Here he is posing with his paddle (yes, he brought it from home). He even let Brianne pose with his special medal.

Here we are strolling down the Royal Promenade, getting ready to enjoy some Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Brianne has never had ice cream, but she was still ready to bang down the glass case to get some!

We did some P90X sessions in the onboard gym (in between their scheduled classes). The great thing about Brianne not being mobile yet is that we could lay her down on a yoga mat while we sweated off our midnight buffet.


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